On the global day of action on 25 November, HAWK is once again sending out a clear signal against violence against women and is organising various campaigns.

Guide for The Twilight Zone of Sexual Harassment

Online lecture

Online lecture on the book “Grauzonen gibt es nicht – Muster sexueller Belästigung erkennen” (“It’s not that grey – a practical guide for the twilight zone of sexual harassment”) 

Thursday, 30 November 2023, 6 pm–7:30 pm 

When is it just flirting and when does it become assault? In her book “Grauzonen gibt es nicht” (“It’s not that grey”), author and speaker Sara Hassan busts common myths surrounding sexual harassment and power abuse and outlines the Red Flag System – an alarm system that helps us identify early instances of sexual harassment, even in grey areas. 


Sara Hassan shows how we as a society can take a stand against sexual harassment and get better at tack-ling power abuse.

Access to lecture

The online event will take place on Thursday, 30 November 2023 from 6 pm–7:30 pm.
HAWK members can register to take part in this stud.ip event (in German). You can find the Zoom details here too.

The speaker

Sara Hassan has been working as a campaigner on the issue of power abuse and sexual harassment since 2015

After years of working internationally in political communications (including for the European Par-liament), the author of “Grauzonen gibt es nicht” (“It’s not that grey”) now holds lectures and workshops.

Having completed an interdisciplinary master’s degree at New York University as an Austrian Fulbright scholar, she now works across Europe as an expert on power abuse.

This is a collaborative event organised by HAWK, the University of Hildesheim, the University of Hanover, Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts, and the Emden-Leer University of Applied Sciences.

The HAWK Flag

Created by students

The flag was created as part of a student project at the Faculty of Design in cooperation with the Equal Opportunities Office and the Senate Equal Opportunities Commission.

University will raise flag on Saturday, 25 November 2023 on all campuses

In Germany, one in three women has been affected by physical and/or sexual violence at some point in her life. HAWK’s flag reflects this for the International Day to End Violence against Women. 

You can find all of the students’ flag designs in the brochure “Ein Zeichen gegen Gewalt – 30 Entwürfe für eine HAWK-Fahne für den Inter-nationalen Tag gegen Gewalt an Frauen” (“A sign against violence – 30 designs for a HAWK flag for the International Day to End Violence against Women”) (in German).

Violence Against Women is not an Option

Bread roll paper bag campaign

Bread roll paper bag campaign: “Gewalt gegen Frauen kommt nicht in die Tüte” (a slogan meaning 'violence against women is not an option' using wordplay based on the German word for ‘paper bag’)

Around 25 November 2023

HAWK is a cooperation partner in the city of Hildesheim’s Action Alliance against Violence. The alliance is once again organising the well-known bread roll bag campaign for the International Day to End Violence against Women.

Around 25 November, bakeries, kiosks, grocery shops and other organisations will be giving customers their bread rolls in paper bags with the slogan “Gewalt gegen Frauen kommt nicht in die Tüte.”


As well as this clever play on words (meaning ‘violence against women is not an option’), the bags are printed with details of the support available in the Hildesheim region for victims of violence. This means the information reaches the place where violence occurs most often: the home.

The Equal Opportunities Office will distribute bread rolls in the campaign bags on Wednesday 22 No-vember 2023 in front of the university canteen in Hildesheim.

Orange the World campaign

HAWK homepage and “stud.ip” portal lit up in orange

The colour orange symbolises a future without violence against women. This year, HAWK’s homepage and the “stud.ip” campus management system are glowing bright orange again as part of the Orange the World campaign.

November 25 until December 10

Orange the World is a UN prevention campaign that takes place between the International Day to End Vio-lence against Women on 25 November and International Human Rights Day on 10 December. 

During these 16 days, events and campaigns “in orange” will take place worldwide to raise awareness of the issue of violence against women and girls.

Action week at the Faculty of Management, Social Work and Construction

From 11 am-1 pm, Information stand with quiz wheel of fortune in the atrium on the topic of “Violence against women”.

From 5:30 pm, Film evening – film showing of “For Colored Girls” with popcorn in room HOA_028.

From 1 pm–2:30 pm Designing creative posters in room HOA_013.

Information stand on equal opportunities work and exhibition of artwork as part of the Open Campus.

Email campaign to send links and information to all faculty members.

This year, HAWK’s homepage and the “stud.ip” campus management system are glowing bright or-ange again as part of the Orange the World campaign. And the HAWK flag will also be flying at the Holzminden campus.

HAWK contact points for sex discrimination, harassment and violence 

Sex discrimination, harassment and violence at university and in the workplace are against the law. HAWK promotes a working environment in which the personal rights of all university members and their individual personal boundaries are recognised and respected.

HAWK offers various contact points for affected students and employees:

HAWK Equal Opportunities Officer



If you are affected by any of these issues, you can contact the Equal Opportunities Officer, Nicola Hille. She advises HAWK students, teaching staff and employees if they have questions or want to report an incident involving sex discrimination, harassment and violence in a university context.

The Faculty Equal Opportunities Officers are also available as contact persons.

All enquiries will be treated confidentially.

Making a complaint to the HAWK anti-discrimination committee in accordance with the AGG

You can submit a complaint to the anti-discrimination committee in accordance with the AGG (General Equal Treatment Act) if you have been discriminated against at HAWK because of: 

  • your gender (this includes sex discrimination, harassment and violence)
  • your ethnic origin or for reasons motivated by racism
  • your religion or world view
  • your disability, your age 
  • or your sexual identity

Email the complaints office: agg-beschwerdestelle@hawk.de 


Bild der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten
Equal Opportunities Officer
Susanna Pförtsch
Equal Opportunities Office / Projectcoordinator "Zukunft FH-Prof" - Module Marketing