We advise and inform about possibilities of stays abroad and support prospective students from abroad on their way to the HAWK.

The HAWK cooperates with numerous higher education institutions within and outside Europe. Depending on the type of agreement / contract with the respective partner university, be it in the form of a university cooperation, a faculty contract, an Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreement etc., activities are carried out in the areas of study, teaching, research and technology transfer with different objectives and emphases.

The team of the International Office would be happy to advise you, during our consultation hours or by arrangement.

Scholarships for international students (degree seeking) for the winter semester 2024/25

For the winter semester 2024/25, the International Office is offering 3 scholarships for 3 months (application deadline: September 30, 2024). Please find more information on our page Funding your studies as an international student.

You can now also find us on Social Media!

Whether it is testimonials from other students, information about scholarships for study stays abroad or current announcements for international events at HAWK – follow the International Office on Instagram to stay up to date.
