Every organisation (authority) in the state of Lower Saxony, including HAWK, is required to draw up a gender equality plan every three years (Section 15 NGG, Lower Saxony Gender Equality Act).

The aim of the gender equality plan is to promote the actual realisation of equal opportunities for women and men and to eliminate existing disadvantages. The gender equality plan forms part of the university’s development plan. The University Senate adopts the plan in agreement with the Presidential Board (Section 41 (2) NHG, Lower Saxony Higher Education Act).

Since 2022, universities are only eligible for funding under Horizon Europe (EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation) if they have set out their gender equality strategies in a gender equality plan. The plan must meet certain requirements, which HAWK has fulfilled through this gender equality plan.

HAWK’s gender equality plan sets out its aims and strategies:

  • to reduce gender-related underrepresentation
  • to improve the balance between career, studying and family responsibilities

The aims and strategies are based on a review and analysis of gender distribution across HAWK’s various departments.


Gender Equality Plan Strategies 2024–2026

The strategies in HAWK’s Gender Equality Plan 2024–2026 are assigned to five central fields of action:

1. Organisational development

  • Taking gender equality into account in all processes and structures

2. Management, personnel development and promotion of young talent

  • Taking gender equality into account in specific management actions
  • Promoting the professional development of women

3. Recruitment and appointment procedures

  • Recruiting staff in departments where one gender is underrepresented,
  • in particular, recruiting female professors

4. Choice of degree programme, gender in teaching and research

  • Attracting students of the underrepresented gender to study at HAWK
  • Teaching gender competence to students
  • Integrating gender issues into teaching and research

5. Balancing career, studies and family responsibilities

  • Creating family-friendly study and working conditions
  • Supporting students and employees with family responsibilities

The six faculties have drawn up partial gender equality plans for the 2024–2026 Gender Equality Plan, which were adopted by the Faculty Council.

Summary of university-wide strategies until 2026: