What it means to be a professor
The daily work of a professor is interesting and varied:
You pass on the knowledge you have gained during research and professional practice to your students, implement your own project ideas and actively help shape your university. The profession is characterized by a high degree of independence and great scope for creativity.
Advantages of a UAS professorship
- Extensive creative freedom, a high degree of autonomy: work on your own focal points, implement your own ideas
- Intellectual working atmosphere: in-depth engagement with topics, exchange with (international) colleagues
- Sharing of experience and knowledge with young people, promoting their personal development and professionalism
- Combination of research and practice – teaching and research with an application focus
- Interdisciplinary work
- Flexible working hours – striking a balance between family and career
- A secure job, with the possibility of tenured status
- High social recognition
Responsibilities of a professorship at a university of applied sciences
As a UAS professor, you give lectures and seminars, and conduct oral and written exams. Particular emphasis is placed on offering students personal support. You will often teach in small groups. The teaching focuses on practical application and is seminar-based. This allows you to cater to the individual strengths and weaknesses of your students.
Teaching is given special emphasis at universities of applied sciences. As a rule, it comprises 18 semester hours per week for a full-time professorship.
Your own research is also important as a UAS professor. You will pursue your own research questions, publish research findings and present them at congresses or conferences. Attracting third-party funding is an important source of financing.
At universities of applied sciences, the focus is on the applicability of research. Questions are addressed on a practical level and usually in close cooperation with (regional) companies, associations or institutions. Maintaining contacts with companies and institutions is therefore an important part of successful research at a UAS. If you wish to pursue your research in greater depth, you have the option of taking a sabbatical semester.
In addition to teaching and research, participation in committees is also part of your day-to-day work. For example, you can get involved in the Study Commission, the Faculty Council or the Senate. This allows you to actively influence the further development and organization of your university.
Professors at universities of applied sciences are also responsible for providing continuing academic education for professionals as well as (regional) companies and institutions. This means that scientific findings are directly transferred into professional practice.
Universities of applied sciences offer flexible, tailor-made study options, such as seminars, modules or work-based study programmes.
How much will you earn?
The salary for professorships at universities of applied sciences is usually equivalent to W2. You can find a current table of W salaries for all federal states on the homepage of the association of professors at universities of applied sciences in Germany (Hochschullehrerbund).
Additional payments may also be made, for example to cover expenses for appointment proceedings, for special achievements, or for holding an official role.
Current vacancies at HAWK
Questions, support and qualification
Would you like to talk directly to a female UAS professor specializing in a HAWK subject and ask her your questions? We’ll put you in touch. Please contact Susanna Pförtsch.
Follow this link to discover the six HAWK faculties and their specializations.
Female applicants with general questions or any other women interested are welcome to contact the HAWK Equal Opportunities Officer, Nicola Hille.
Teaching assignments offer excellent opportunities to acquire pedagogical and didactic experience. You will also gain an insight into everyday university life and the job of a professor at a university of applied sciences and will be able to establish important contacts.
Would you like to take on a teaching assignment? We will be happy to put you in touch with HAWK professors in your subject area. Please contact Susanna Pförtsch.
A doctorate is usually a prerequisite for a UAS professorship. Would you like to do a doctorate? Find out more about this here:
To become a professor at a university of applied sciences, you generally need at least five years of professional experience. At least three years of this must have been gained somewhere other than at university (e.g. in industry, in public institutions, as a self-employed person).
Professional experience counts from the first professionally qualifying university degree, provided it is your main occupation (at least a 50% post).
Your work experience does not have to be carried out in one go. So make sure you note down all the evidence concerning your professional experience at an early stage, including evidence of periods of self-employment.
To be kept informed about vacancies for professorships in your subject area, you can subscribe to the Projekt PROfessur email distribution list. Every fortnight you will receive the latest job advertisements from numerous partner universities.
You can find job advertisements for academic positions throughout Germany at www.academics.de.
We offer regular professorial appointment training courses for women. 12 participants have the opportunity to take part in a workshop with coach Franziska Jantzen to prepare professionally for applying to become a professor at a university of applied sciences. The training course is held in German. Further information.