In the picturesque town of Kuldiga, which has been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since autumn 2023, extensive conservation work was carried out on the Baroque Interior of the St. Trinity Church.
The church was built from 1640-42 as one of the first post-Reformation Catholic churches in Courland. Left to decay in the 1730s, it was rebuilt and reconsecrated in 1795.
The important interior include:
- a large confessional from 1691 with allegorical paintings
- an organ with carvings by the Libau carver J. Slavichek from 1770
- a two side altarpieces from 1777/78, attributed to Peteris Reiss
- the main altarpiece from 1818, donated by Tsar Alexander I
- a "Madonna with Child" from the 16th century