Shaping the international future together!

Students and employees from all over the world are very welcome at HAWK! At the same time, our university offers a platform to get to know other parts of the world and experience different cultures at HAWK.

The International Office in Hildesheim is moving!

Please note that, starting from June 1, 2024, the International Office will be located at Goschentor 1, Room HIA_201. The team of the International Office will be available on a limited basis during the move (May 27 - May 31).

Consultation appointments on-site will take place in the new offices from June onwards.

Scholarships for international students (degree seeking) for the winter semester 2024/25

For the winter semester 2024/25, the International Office is offering 3 scholarships for 3 months (application deadline: September 30, 2024). Please find more information on our page Funding your studies as an international student.

The “Power Programs” offered by HAWK plus for international students

With Studienstart plus, HAWK plus offers a program for an extended study entry phase with individual support for students in the first and second semesters. HAWK open offers individual counseling and support for prospective student with a refugee background. The Headstart program prepares international students for their entry into the German job market – through workshops, visits of regional companies and more.

You can now also find us on Social Media!

Whether it is testimonials from other students, information about scholarships for study stays abroad or current announcements for international events at HAWK – follow the International Office on Instagram to stay up to date.


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