For more than 20 years we have been developing e-learning courses in the field of preservation of cultural assets according to the instructional design of the second generation in cooperation with teachers of the HAWK or external specialists.
The courses enable learners to learn in a largely self-organised manner, independent of time and place. All courses are offered via HAWK's own "moodle" learning environment and are used both in teaching and in further education. In accordance with the legal requirements in Lower Saxony, fees are charged for external students to the extent that the continuing education is cost-neutral. No profits are made.
Upon successful completion, participants receive a qualified certificate.
The German Association of Conservators recognises the courses as continuing education.
Further information and the current course offer can be found here.


Throughout the entire course, two academic conservators will be available as tutors to answer your questions, and sometimes the authors themselves will answer your questions.

The courses allow you the greatest possible flexibility in terms of learning location, learning time and learning speed. For those in employment, travel costs and downtime at the workplace are reduced, while for others there is room for family activities.
In contrast to print media, the content can be continuously adapted to the current state of knowledge. Motivation is increased by the fact that learning progress can be tracked through learning controls. A further advantage of the medium is the quick access to further information on the internet.

In addition to HAWK students, the courses in continuing vocational education and training are open to all persons who are involved in the protection of cultural property on a full-time or part-time basis. The target group is not restricted to any one profession or to Germany. All those who wish to undertake further training on an academic basis are admitted. The only requirement is Internet access. The courses will be activated for the participants in a certain period of time and will be supervised by tutors during this time.

In HAWK attendance classes, authors at the HAWK use their courses according to their learning objectives. Some lecturers offer their students the courses to deepen an ongoing course, others for follow-up work. Many use them to learn theory in order to have more time for practice in the classroom. Some use the courses to prepare, for example, career changers, so that all students have a similar basic knowledge and a greater practical component is possible for the course.
For external students, some courses may be credited towards their studies at the Faculty of Building and Conservation.

The tutors advise the authors on the delimitation of the subject, the scope and structure of the course, the use of media and on the design of learning controls and tests. They proofread the authors' texts and supervise the implementation of the content provided by the authors, including learning controls, in the learning environment moodle. If necessary, they also create additional multimedia content, check the external internet links and the technical functionality of the courses and their media before each course.

Moodle was chosen, among other reasons, because it is very popular internationally and the institute was founded as an international training institute.

E-publishing, due to its high multimedia content and the associated high level of maintenance, poses more challenges than print media. At the Hornemann Institute, the number of courses, their multilingualism and the range of content are additional factors.
The HAWK has taken up the challenge by employing Barbara Hentschel and Christine Fiedler, two very skilled academic restorers from two different restoration disciplines, as tutors. The increasing involvement in the teaching of the HAWK also promotes the quality of the content. Finally, we have been able to attract many authors for whom the preservation of cultural assets is a personal concern and who therefore support the updates. Any update and correction requests of the authors will be incorporated into the courses as quickly as possible.