Duration (Number of semesters)
application deadline
Pre-study work placement
“Building sustainable buildings and designing them digitally is at the core of the Green Building undergraduate programme; this is an exciting new discipline that is here to stay.”
Prof. Dr Erik Bertram

What does the study programme deal with?

The Green Building study programme provides you with targeted expertise, enabling you to deliver sustainable buildings and evaluate them over their entire life cycle.

The study programme includes sustainability-related subjects such as structural design, building materials, construction physics and energy and building technology, and is supplemented by modules on practical building management.

You can choose your own course profile to fit your interests:

  • Structural design and construction engineering: structural building design, architecture and assessment for sustainability
  • Building services – Digital planning: system design, heat pump technology, energy balancing and simulation of building services

What can I do after graduation?

As a Green Building expert, you will be in demand and well-remunerated, designing sustainable and climate-neutral buildings. Your work will take you wherever buildings are being constructed and operated, both new builds and renovation projects.

Possible fields of work

  • Building planning, consulting and design
  • Specialist planning and construction of climate-friendly plant technology
  • Calculations and buildings simulation, systems engineering, construction physics and energy strategy
  • Construction supervision and support
  • Energy consulting, sustainability assessment and certification, expert advice
  • Operation, management and monitoring of buildings

Potential employers

  • Planning and consultancy services, engineering and architecture firms 
  • Manufacturers of technical systems and components
  • Climate protection agencies, building and property administrations

Or you can gain further qualifications with HAWK on the Master’s programme in Energy Efficient and Sustainable Construction.

What makes the study programme special?

  • You will gain a holistic understanding of sustainable buildings, because each subject always relates to the whole building.
  • From the 2nd semester onwards, you will work on real-world-related projects, often in groups.
  • You will use digital planning tools in all areas of study. Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a cross-cutting theme throughout the course.
  • Our laboratories enable you to apply what you have learned and put your own ideas into practice.
  • Regular field trips in Germany and abroad will give you inspiring insights into professional practice.
  • An 11-week practical phase at the end of your studies prepares you for the world of work.