Students report on their studies abroad

Maja Hauke, a student in the 6th semester of Color Design, talks about her semester abroad in Portugal. She studied in the winter semester 2020/21 in Lisbon at our partner university Universidade Europeia IADE.

Where and how did you live during your semester abroad?
I lived in the city of Almada, across the river from Lisbon (Portugal) in a private 2-person shared apartment. The location was quiet, very central and well connected to bus and streetcar in the city of Almada, across the river from Lisbon, 10min from the capital by boat. For private reasons I wanted to live there. My room was quite small but equipped with the necessary. There were two living and common rooms that I could use. I paid a total of 300€/month. I catered for myself, there was a well-equipped kitchen. Household items were purchased on a rotating basis. There are many buildings in Portugal that do not have central heating. In winter it is cold and often damp. Small electronic mobile heaters are then occasionally used.


How was the university and what courses did you take?
At our partner university in Lisbon, I could choose between several course packages. In my course package of ("unspecialized" ) design, I could choose between two each of the 6 courses to be taken. My choices were: Communication Design, 3D Modeling, Visual Narration, Entrepreneurship, Filosofie of Art and Design, Science of Applied Design. That was a nice broad spectrum to deepen some things or learn new things.

WWhat was an absolute highlight for you, professionally or also culturally?
The friendships that were formed with local students.

What was the biggest challenge for you?
Enduring the cold damp winter indoors without central heating.

Do you have any tips for future outgoings? 
To meet people, join student networks and participate in local events and activities.

To meet people, join student networks and participate in local events and activities.
Maja Hauke