Visit to the partner university Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Colombia

To intensify the partnership with the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB) in Medellín, we traveled to Colombia with a group of students to the university. We got to know the country and its people, gave lectures and held a joint workshop.


The campus life at UPB is impressive. It is a matter of course that people work there every day from morning to evening on campus - for the most part in the fresh air.

You don't have to leave the campus either, because a gym and swimming pool are right on the premises. During our time there, we were also able to make interesting connections with agencies we visited in Medellín.

Besuch des Museum Of Art and Design (MAD) in New York

On the occasion of the exhibition of the Rapid Racer, a 3D-printed vehicle made by HAWK and exhibited at the MAD Museum of Art and Design, we traveled to New York with a group of students. In addition to exhibitions, visits to agencies and offices were also on the agenda.

What makes Japanese design? Visits to Tokyo and Kyoto

When you look at the Japanese flag, you know what good design is. To familiarize ourselves with how Japanese designers work, we traveled to Tokyo and Kyoto with a group of students. We established connections with universities, galleries and agencies there and were able to take many impressions back to Hildesheim.

Visit to BCIT in Vancouver, Canada

Since 2014, the university partnership between the study programs and fields of study Architecture and Interior Design of the Faculties of Building and Conservation and the Faculty of Design with the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) in Vancouver has existed. A very good occasion for the two universities to review the last five years together at a small celebration.


During these years, around 350 students from both universities took part in the various joint activities such as semesters abroad, workshops and excursions in Europe and North America. On this occasion, the German Consul General Dr. Klaus Schmidt from the German Consulate in Vancouver had also agreed to visit. The ceremony took place during the annual "HAWK WEEK" at BCIT.

Dr. Marc Hudy, President of HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen, sent a video message, the deans of all study programs and the partnership coordinators highlighted the successful joint projects in their speeches. The 43 participating students of this year's workshop presented their results. Consul General Dr. Schmidt emphasized the special character of the partnership, which is particularly designed for students to meet and work together.

As part of the partnership, students can study at the respective other university for one to two semesters. In addition, the faculties organize one or two joint workshops each year in Vancouver and Europe. The contact persons for the faculties are Dipl. Ing. Thomas Kauertz at the Faculty of Building and Conservation and Prof. Günter Weber at the Faculty of Design.