"All being is in the development from - or back into - nothing. There is not a closed state of being, but rather a constant cycle of becoming and passing away. I see a connection in the interrelation of being and nothingness, in a holistic order. Nothingness holds within itself the potential of becoming and is thus the origin of being. When something begins to exist, it carries its own inescapable nothingness. The passing away leaves an emptiness in place of the being, which can fill itself soon again with a new being. Thus being and nothingness are contradictory polarities of change.

The brooches I created are made of silver, in the shape of a torus. They carry in their center and in themselves a void. The white, filed silver embodies, like a still blank sheet, the nothingness. It is covered with a thin layer of lacquer, which represents the boundary of nothingness. The powder coating, applied with a specially developed technique, is partially transparent, stained with deep black. The black, as the densest mass of color, represents the traces of being. Through the transparent varnish, the viewer experiences a depth in which he perceives the fine texture of the silver. The viewer is thus drawn into the depth of the artifact. The brooch pin also forms a circle and allows the brooch to be worn, as if weightless."

My work is strongly influenced by Suprematism and Wabi Sabi. I want to create an awareness of a holistic, connected, cosmic order. In this way, we can learn to value nothingness and the infinite potential that lies within it."