Prof. Dr. Stephan Wieneke Mitautor eines neuen Lehrbuchs
Das Buch ist im IOP-Verlag erschienen und eignet sich für Studierende, Dozent/inn/en und Forscher/innen aus den Bereichen der Medizintechnik, Medizinphysik, Medizin, Laserphysik sowie der Optik. „Lasers in Medical Diagnosis and Therapy: Basics, applications and future prospects“ (Laser in der medizinischen Diagnose und Therapie: Grundlagen, Anwendungen und Zukunftsperspektiven) gibt einen Überblick über medizinische Laser und Lasersysteme sowie Laseranwendungen in der medizinischen Diagnose und Therapie. Das Buch ist von Physikern geschrieben und konzentriert sich auf das physikalische Verständnis und die zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen bei Anwendungen des Lasers in der medizinischen Diagnostik und Therapie.
Das Buch behandelt die Grundlagen der Laserlichterzeugung, die wichtigsten in der Medizin üblichen Lasertypen und -systeme sowie die Prinzipien der Laserlichtführung durch Spiegel oder optische Fasern. Die grundlegenden optischen und thermischen Eigenschaften von biologischem Gewebe und die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen der Lichtausbreitung und -streuung in Gewebe sowie Laser-Gewebe-Wechselwirkungen, wie Koagulation, Ablation und Stoßwellen werden vorgestellt.
Relevante und etablierte Laseranwendungen wie z.B. spektroskopische Verfahren zur Diagnose oder therapeutische und chirurgische Ansätze wie die Photoaktivierung oder das Schneiden von Gewebe sowie neueste Entwicklungen werden diskutiert.
Um die wichtigsten Inhalte und Prinzipien zusammenzufassen und aufzuzeigen, enthält das Buch ausführliche Kapitelzusammenfassungen, eine ausführliche Formelsammlung und eine Reihe an Übungsaufgaben.
Zusammenfassung (engl.):
“Lasers in Medical Diagnosis and Therapy” provides an overview on medical lasers and laser systems as well as laser applications in medical diagnosis and therapy. Since it was written by physicists, it focusses on the physics and underlying mechanisms of laser diagnosis and therapy and thus initially covers the basics of laser light generation, a selection of the most important laser types and systems commonly used in medicine, and the principles of laser light guidance. The book should be used as a textbook for lectures, practice lessons and for the preparation of exams and addresses students, lecturers, and researchers in the fields of medical engineering and technology, medical physics, medicine and surgery, ophthalmology, dermatology, laser physics and development as well as optical engineering. Part of Series in Physics and Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Über die Autoren:
Stephan Wieneke
Prof Dr rer nat Stephan Wieneke is a professor for laser-plasma-hybrid technology at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Göttingen, Germany, where he has also taught applied laser medicine since 2004. In the last few years, he was also involved in the development and establishment of the new course at this university covering the study of medical engineering. After his apprenticeship as a physics laboratory assistant he studied physical technology at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts and earned his First diploma degree in 1999. From 1999 to 2008, he worked as a research associate at this university and at the Institute of Mechatronics and Applied Photonics in Göttingen, Germany. During that time, he also studied physics at Clausthal University of Technology in Clausthal – Zellerfeld, Germany and graduated as a physicist with a diploma thesis on carbon dioxide lasers.
In 2008, he earned his doctoral degree in physics at Clausthal University. In his thesis, he investigated the generation of far ultraviolet irradiation via laser-pumped z-pinch plasmas. From 2009 to 2011, Professor Wieneke was head of the department for laser-plasma-hybrid technology at the Laser Laboratory Göttingen. He subsequently worked as a research associate and lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts HAWK and at Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST, Application Center for Plasma and Photonics in Göttingen, Germany until his appointment as research professor for laser-plasma-hybrid technology in 2013 and subsequent appointment as full professor in 2016.
Professor Wieneke is a member of the German Physical Society. He is the editor of a reference book on laser ablation and has published over 50 articles in optics, laser science and plasma science.
Christoph Gerhard
Prof Dr rer nat Christoph Gerhard is a professor for laser and plasma technology at the Technical University of Applied Sciences of Wildau, Germany and a visiting professor for optical system design at the Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy. After his apprenticeship as an optics technician and a subsequent period as skilled worker and instructor he completed his diploma study in precision manufacturing technology at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Göttingen, Germany. In 2006, he prepared his diploma thesis on the development of novel laser sources at the Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l’Institut d’Optique in Orsay, France. For this work, he was awarded the Georg-Simon-Ohm Award by the German Physical Society.
During his work as a product manager for precision optics in industry, he extra-occupationally completed a master’s study in optical engineering and photonics at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts. In 2009, he started to work as a technical staff member and research associate at the Bremen Institute for Applied Beam Technology in Bremen, Germany where he finally prepared his master’s thesis on optical inline process monitoring of laser-based materials processing techniques. From 2010 to 2016, he worked as the scientific coordinator of the Lower Saxony Innovation Network for Plasma Technology in Göttingen and Clausthal–Zellerfeld, Germany and as a researcher at the Application Center for Plasma and Photonics of the Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST in Göttingen, Germany. In 2014, he earned a doctoral degree in natural sciences and physical technologies at Clausthal University of Technology in Clausthal – Zellerfeld. For his thesis on plasma-assisted laser materials processing he was awarded the Young Talent Award
Green Photonics of the Fraunhofer Society in 2015. From 2016 to 2017, he held the position of an adjunct professor for physical technologies at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Professor Gerhard is a member of the German Physical Society and the German Society for Plasma Technology. He has published over 60 papers in the fields of optics and laser and plasma technology and authored two textbooks on the basics of optics and manufacturing of optical components and systems. Moreover, he is the main editor of a reference book on laser ablation.
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