Contact and areas of responsibility of all employees of the central administration, professors and lecturers at the three locations Hildesheim, Holzminden and Göttingen of the HAWK University.

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Vice President Studies and Teaching, Academic Development and Library
Hohnsen 4 (Raum HIF_204)
31134 Hildesheim
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Admission, Application: B.A. Childhood Education, B.A. Social Work Hildesh./Holzm. (names A-G), M.A. Social Work Hildesh/Holzm., B.A. Part-time Degree Programme Social Work (names A-L), B.Sc. Real Estate Economics/Managem., M.Sc. Real Estate Managem.
Goschentor 1 (Raum HIA_201)
31134 Hildesheim
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Renatastraße 11 (Raum HIWD_130)
31134 Hildesheim
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Renatastraße 11 (Raum HIWD_)
31134 Hildesheim
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Renatastraße 11 (Raum HIWE_E20)
31134 Hildesheim
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Studienstart plus (Hildesheim): Study programmes Civil Engineering & BEng Wood Engineering & BSc Conservation and Restoration
Goschentor 1 (Raum HIA_215)
31134 Hildesheim
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Student advisor for exchange students (incoming and outgoing) and international degree-seeking students in Göttingen, project HAWK open
Büsgenweg 1a (Raum GÖK_E30)
37077 Göttingen
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Renatastraße 11 (Raum HIWE_)
31134 Hildesheim
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Professor of Media Studies, Alumni Coordinator of the Faculty of Design
Renatastraße 11 (Raum HIWE_11)
31134 Hildesheim
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Coordination of BA Early Childhood Education and Care
Hohnsen 1 (Raum HIB_)
31134 Hildesheim
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