Since October 2024:
Professor of Social Work and Diversity at HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts
January 2024
Doctorate (summa cum laude) from the Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences at the University of Osnabrück on the topic of Policy Change in Turkey's Local Migration Regime. Published as Open Access (Nomos Publishing)
Head of Social Affairs and Commissioner for Integration, City of Osnabrück
Lecturer at the University of Osnabrück and University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück
February–September 2022
Research Associate, University of Oregon, Eugene, USA
Program Manager for KAUSA (Coordination Office for Training in Self-Employed Businesses with a Migration Background) at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Bonn
Research Associate and Project Manager at the Central Agency for Continuing Vocational Education in the Skilled Trades (ZWH), Düsseldorf
Educational Staff Member at the Regional Office for the Promotion of Children and Youth from Immigrant Families (RAA) in Aachen
Studies in Political Science, Economic and Social History, and International Economic and Technical Relations at RWTH Aachen University, graduated with a Master of Arts (M.A.)
- German Society for Social Work (DGSA) e.V.
- German Association for Political Science (DVPW) e.V.
Awards and Scholarships
- 2023: Manfred Rommel Scholarship from the City of Stuttgart
- Publication Grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the open-access publication of the dissertation
Current publication
Rass-Turgut, S. (2025). The Production of Gendered Belonging in Turkish Municipalities: Modelling Inclusive Citizenship for Refugees. In: Kenner, S., Kleinschmidt, M., Lange, D., Reichert, F., Schröder, C. (eds) Inclusive Citizenship. Citizenship. Studien zur Politischen Bildung. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.