Main address
Hohnsen 1 (Room HIB_106)
31134 Hildesheim
Office hours

By appointment by mail


Professorship for Childhood Education - Coordination of BA programme in ECEC


Professor for Early Childhood Education at HAWK Hildesheim since 2018.

  • 1987-1993 Study of Psychology at TU Braunschweig
  • Training in Integrative Therapy/Gestaltpsychotherapy
  • Training, counseling and practice research in childhood development and education
  • Since 2001, leader of Wechselspiel – Institut für Pädagogik und Psychologie (Institute for pedagogy and psychology) in Wolfenbüttel
  • 2008 PhD in Educational Sciences at OIdenburg University: "Two worlds? Gender separation in childhood: Empirical research and educational practice in dialogue"
  • 2008-2010 Research project„elementary – Men in educational work with children", Innsbruck University.
  • 2010-2013 Co-leader, Koordinationsstelle "Männer in Kitas" (Coordination office for men in ECEC), Catholic University of Social Work, Berlin.
  • 2013-2018 Professor for childhood development and education at Dresden University for Applied Sciences in social work, early education and nursing sciences.

Tim Rohrmann is married and father of two daughters.

Orcid-ID 0000-0003-4745-1151


  • EECERA European Early Childhood Education Research Association
  • DGfE Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft [German Association of Educational Sciences]
  • BAG-BEK Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Bildung und Erziehung in der Kindheit
  • DeBeKi Deutscher Berufsverband für Kindheitspädagogik e.V.

Main areas of research

Language development and support; Gender and gender-sensitive education, Men and women in ECEC - Special Interest Group Gender Balance, Inclusion and Diversity.



Recent Books

  • Brody, David, with Emilsen, Kari, Rohrmann, Tim & Warin, Jo (eds.) (2021). Exploring Career Trajectories of Men in the ECEC Workforce. Why they leave and why they stay. London: Routledge. more info

  • Rohrmann, Tim & Wanzeck-Sielert, Christa (2018). Mädchen und Jungen in der KiTa. Körper, Gender, Sexualität. 2., vollst. überarb. Auflage. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

  • Rohrmann, Sabine & Tim (2017). Begabte Kinder in der KiTa. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Articles (Peer review, international/English)

Articles (German)

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