How we think and work

Branding Design deals with the design of brands. The focus is on brand development and brand management using complex corporate design systems. Whether it's a corporate, service or product brand: Brands must be visible and it must be possible to experience them at all analogue and digital contact points.

Brands are living things. The task in branding design is to develop, design and manage them.
Prof. Dominika Hasse

The focus is on Corporate Identity, Corporate Design and Packaging Design. Corporate identity (CI) is the basis of corporate communication and covers the essential character traits as well as the attitude of a brand. Corporate design is the visual translation: the task is the design of appearances consisting of logo, typography, colours, forms and signs for brands, product groups, companies, institutions, regions and much more. Packaging design forms the interface between product and brand. As an essential expression of the product brand, the packaging reflects the product identity in two and three-dimensional form.

In the competence field of Branding Design, the Faculty of Design offers you:

  • Brand development for companies, products and services
  • Conception and design of appearance and packaging
  • Concrete development and execution of projects
  • Staging of brands in all communication channels
  • Dealing with typography as well as photography, film, digital media and printing
  • Theoretical knowledge in design sciences, communication strategy, social psychology and corporate identity as a strategic tool
  • Option of spending an internship semester or a semester abroad at one of our numerous partner universities around the world

Once you have completed your studies, you will be qualified to work in a branding and/or packaging agency or directly in a company. The Bachelor of Arts also qualifies you to apply for a Master of Arts degree, which is also offered at the HAWK Faculty of Design in Hildesheim.