Contact and areas of responsibility of all employees of the central administration, professors and lecturers at the three locations Hildesheim, Holzminden and Göttingen of the HAWK University.

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Head of Foreign Languages
Goschentor 1 (Raum HIA_E25)
31134 Hildesheim
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Hohnsen 2 (Raum HID_203 / HID_E02)
31134 Hildesheim
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Student advisor Hildesheim, ERASMUS+ SMP
Goschentor 1 (Raum HIA_201)
31134 Hildesheim
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Annastraße 25 (Raum GÖO_219)
37075 Göttingen
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Coordinator Equal Opportunities
Goschentor 1 (Raum HIA_310)
31134 Hildesheim
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Forest utilization, timber harvesting, log logistics, dean of studies Arboriculture, Forestry, Urban Tree and Forest Management. Study counselling for Forestry dual
Büsgenweg 1a (Raum GÖK_318)
37077 Göttingen
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Data protection Management, Data protection Officer
Goschentor 1 (Raum HIA_311)
31134 Hildesheim
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Coordination/Technical Advice MEng Civil Engineering, Reinforced Concrete Construction/Solid Construction
Hohnsen 2 (Raum HID_132)
31134 Hildesheim
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