Contact and areas of responsibility of all employees of the central administration, professors and lecturers at the three locations Hildesheim, Holzminden and Göttingen of the HAWK University.

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Bereich Forschung/Transfer, Microsites (Forschungsblogs, Hornemann Institut)
Tappenstraße 55 (Raum HII_205)
31134 Hildesheim
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metal design / Tableware and vessels, architectural and room-related work
Renatastraße 11 (Raum HIWC_14)
31134 Hildesheim
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Renatastraße 11 (Raum HIWD_129)
31134 Hildesheim
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Student advisor for international students in Göttingen, student advisor for HAWK open and HAWK start plus in Göttingen
Büsgenweg 1a (Raum GÖK_E30)
37077 Göttingen
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Project "PlasmaHybrid", Plasmatreatment of Carbon Fibres
Von-Ossietzky-Straße 100 (Raum GÖF_E09)
37085 Göttingen
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Haarmannplatz 3 (Raum HOA_206)
37603 Holzminden
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Admission, Application: B.Eng. Comp. Engineering/Robotics, B.Eng./M.Eng. Electr. Engin./Inform. Techn., B.Eng./M.Eng. Mechan. Engin., B.Eng./M.Eng. Medical Techn., B.Eng. Physical Engin., M.Sc. Laser-/Plasma Techn.; digitalisation Student Affairs Office
Goschentor 1 (Raum HIA_201)
31134 Hildesheim
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Hohnsen 4 (Raum HIF_)
31134 Hildesheim
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