nach Vereinbarung
Prof Dr Stephan Schwingeler has been Professor of Media Studies at the HAWK Faculty of Design since summer semester 2018.
He was previously Professor of Game Design at the Media Akademie - Hochschule Stuttgart. He is one of the international pioneers of game studies. His first book, entitled "Die Raummaschine" (The Space Machine), analyses space and perspective in computer games. His second book, "Kunstwerk Computerspiel", analyses the strategies of game art. He headed the GameLab at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design and was a member of the advisory board and consultant for the Next Level Festival.
As a curator, Schwingeler was responsible for the exhibition "ZKM_Gameplay" at the ZKM | Centre for Art and Media. Schwingeler has been responsible for numerous international exhibitions, including with the Julia Stoschek Collection, the curator Yuko Hasegawa and the media artist and composer Ryoji Ikeda.The exhibition "Global Games" examined games as political media, while "New Gameplay" showed the art form of computer games at the Nam June Paik Art Centre in South Korea.Together with the Goethe-Institut, he curated the exhibition "Games and Politics", which travelled to 40 countries around the globe on a world tour.
Schwingeler's research interests include art and media theory, computer games and art, contemporary art, media art, computer games as artistic material, history and art history of computer games, media spaces, virtual reality, computer games and museology, visual studies.