You would like to study in Germany

but need to learn more German and take the TestDaF exam? The Intensive German Language Courses of the HAWK Language Center prepare you in the best way both linguistically and culturally for studying in Germany. The aim is to complete the course with the digital TestDaF exam, which entitles you to study at a German university.

Our courses are being held online.

Prerequisite for participation in the courses is access to a laptop/PC and a stable Internet connection.

If you are a refugee,

you can be supported by a scholarship. With this scholarship you can attend the German intensive course free of charge and take the TestDaF exam. The following requirements must first be met:

  • You are a refugee or asylum seeker,
  • have a university entrance qualification and
  • have completed at least language level B1

You can find more information about the application below.

For international prospective students without a refugee background, the courses are subject to a fee. All information can be found on the page "Intensive German Courses for International Prospective Students" or email us at

  • Final exam: digital TestDaF
  • Levels: B2.1, B2.2, C1.1 + TestDaF preparation, C1.2 + TestDaF preparation
  • Duration: max. 7 months, approx. 7 weeks per module
  • Lesson times: 5 times a week in the morning
  • Admission Requirements: Proof of residence status, university entrance qualification, language level
  • Participation Requirements: Laptop/PC, stable internet connection

The levels are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

  • Teaching of language competencies in all four skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing)
  • Special consideration of aspects that are necessary for academic work at a university
  • Training of study-relevant skills (discussions, speeches, presentations)
  • Cultural aspects and geography of Germany

Our courses are taking place online. The courses consist of 20 hours/lessons per week (1 unit = 45 minutes).

  • 20 units of lessons online (Mondays to Thursdays in the morning)
  • Optional: regular appointments on study-related content (Fridays mornings in presence)

We offer the following modules:

  • B2.1
  • B2.2
  • C1.1 + preparation for TestDaF
  • C1.2 + preparation for TestDaF

Each module comprises 140 teaching units and runs over a period of 7 weeks.

Time period: April 2024 - November 2024 | Modules: B2.1, B2.2, C1.1, TestDaF-Preparation

Application deadline

Start B2

Start C1

End with TestDaF exam

Exam result

Time period: October 2024 - June 2025 | Modules: B2.1, B2.2, C1.1, TestDaF-Preparation

Application deadline

Start B2

Start C1

End with TestDaF exam

Exam result

Time period: April 2025 bis November 2025 | Modules: B2.1, B2.2, C1.1, TestDaF-Preparation

Application deadline

Start B2

Start C1

End with TestDaF exam

Exam result


Interested persons with a refugee background can apply for a scholarship. This scholarship is financed by the DAAD program Integra with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

For your application please submit the following documents:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Proof of residence status
    Copy of your identity card
  • Proof of university entrance qualification
    School and university transcripts: Copy of the original and certified German or English translation
  • Proof of German language skills
    B1 certificate (or higher); if you have reached the level by other means, you can still apply
  • Letter of motivation
    We would like to know more about you and find out why you should receive a scholarship for the course. Why do you want to participate in the language course? What would you like to study afterwards and why? What other qualifications for studying do you have? What opportunities and problems does participation present for you?

Send the complete documents, combined if possible in one PDF file, to:

You can apply at any time, because sometimes a lateral entry is possible. If you are interested in a specific course, we should receive the application at least four weeks before the start. Then we will start the selection process for the new course. If you meet the requirements, we will invite you to a placement test. After the written test and an interview, the scholarship recipients are selected according to several criteria (German language skills, motivation, prospects for university studies, etc.).

You will find a note on data protection in the downloads section on the right.

We are looking forward to meeting you!