The future of design education in 2050
In the course of the pilot project in the Master's degree programme in Design, which deals with the speculative question of what design teaching might look like in the year 2050, Jella Alpert from the competence field Graphic Design, Catharina Sophie Oeltjebruns from the competence field Digital Environments and Luis Sommerfeld from the competence field Product Design use figurative sign language. They assume that by 2050 this will be used internationally and by most people as a second language and use the many advantages over spoken language as the basis for their design tool "Creative islands".
Expressive signing creates holographic images directly in front of the users, which can be created, edited and saved together or alone. Design teaching can thus take place in a decentred, flexible way and without language barriers.
The work was supervised by Prof. Dr. Sabine Foraita and Prof. Stefan Wölwer.