Duration (Number of semesters)
Application deadline Winter semester
First university degree
“Regions in competition.”
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Harteisen

What is this study programme all about?

Whether it's the business location of a company, the acquisition of subsidies for urban and regional development or the conception of a regional tourist offer - regional managers and business promoters are the ones who are at the helm to ensure successful regional development and to discover and develop the potentials at their doorsteps.

The seminars and field trips cover:

  • Spatial and regional development

  • Regional management and regional and city marketing
  • Municipal and trans-regional economic development
  • EU law and planning law
  • EU regional policy
  • Starting a business and subsidy management
  • Moderation and conflict management
  • Sustainable development

What can I do with it later?

This job is all about networking. The career profiles of our alumni provide an interesting insight into the field. If you work in economic development, you might be employed by a business development organisation, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce or the Chamber of Crafts and Trades.

If you work in regional management, you might start your career in a planning office or in municipal administration, or act as regional manager for a LEADER region.

Other career opportunities include tourism, regional organisations, national parks and biosphere reserves, charitable foundations and last but not least science.



What makes the study programme special?

You study in small groups of up to 20 people. The study programme is project- and practice-oriented, i.e. you already become acquainted with your professional field during your studies.

Many tasks are carried out in student teams, always under the individual supervision of the teachers in the program. Our numerous field trips to Germany and neighbouring European countries provide you with a wide range of fascinating insights into the world of work.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to already participate in applied research projects during your studies.