Duration (Number of semesters)
Application deadline Winter semester
Pre-study work placement
“In the future, be one of the people to actively shape such innovations as smartphones, MP3 players and LED televisions yourself - by studying physical engineering!”
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stephan Wieneke

What is this study programme all about?

The emphasis in your studies lies on the basic subjects revolving around physics. And in making you more familiar with them not only theoretically, but also practically. You will develop high-quality optical systems, realise and optimise laser components and systems, taking into account state-of-the-art materials.

What can I do with it later?

As a graduate of physical engineering, you can work in all areas of the scientific-technological development chain. Your career can take you to a research institute or the development unit of a company, for example. Your typical tasks will come from the areas of development, production, quality assurance and product management.

What makes this study programme special?

A particular advantage of our study programme is its structure: During the first three semesters you will learn the basics of engineering science, followed by a more in-depth study of selected subjects in the second half.

Among other things, you will be able to specialise in medical technology and renewable energies. We offer you a sufficiently long phase to learn the basics and then plenty of time to individualise your studies.

This means that you can pursue the personal goals that you have identified for yourself during the first half of your studies. This individualisation is also reflected in our compulsory elective programme, in which you select the study subjects that interest you most. Your studies are then completed with a practical phase in the 6th semester, during which you prepare your Bachelor thesis and then look forward to a smooth transition into professional life.