HAWK attaches great importance to the security of your data. We would therefore like to take this opportunity to inform you about data protection in relation to photos, videos and audio recordings and at the same time ensure compliance with all relevant legal provisions, in particular the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Responsible under data protection law:

Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst
Hohnsen 4 · 31134 Hildesheim
Tel.: +49/51 21/881-0
Fax: +49/51 21/881-132
Email: pressestelle@hawk.de
Internet: www.hawk.de
HAWK is a corporation under public
law. It is legally represented by the President
Dr Marc Hudy

HAWK data protection officer

Thomas Kittel
Goschentor 1 - 31134 Hildesheim
Telephone: +49/5121/881-519
Email: datenschutz@hawk.de




Purposes of data collection

The photos, videos and audio recordings will be used for reporting on the event for marketing and public relations purposes of the HAWK. They can be published in press releases, on the website, in print publications and external HAWK social media channels. For media that do not show persons of contemporary history, that have persons as so-called accessories or media that depict meetings or similar events and their nature, you will be asked for your consent on an individual basis. In the event that no consent is given or consent is withdrawn, no disadvantages will be suffered by the person concerned.

Legal basis

The publication of media that reflect the nature of the event (overviews) is part of the university’s tasks in
accordance with section 6 para. 1 lit. e) in conjunction with section 6 para. 3 GDPR in conjunction with § 3 NDSG (Data Protection Regulation of Lower Saxony) and is in the public interest. For other media you will be asked for our
consent in accordance with section 6 para. 1 lit. a) GDPR.


Worldwide users of the HAWK’s online and print media

Storage duration

The media are stored on HAWK servers for an indefinite period of time, subject to the rights to
cancellation and objection. When publishing on external portals, we cannot guarantee that your data will not be
shared further or that we will be able to delete it in full in the event of an objection.

Your rights

You have the following rights with regard to your personal data (in accordance with sections 15 to 21 GDPR):
Right to information
Right to rectification and completion
Right to cancellation
Right to restriction of processing
Right to data portability/right to receive a copy

Revocation of consent

You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. In this case, we will no longer process the data and delete it. The legality of the data processing until the cancellation is not affected by this. The revocation can be sent in general written form to the organising faculty/institution or to pressestelle@hawk.de (press office).

Right to object

You also have the right to object to data processing at any time. We will then no longer process your data
unless there are compelling legitimate grounds for its processing, or the processing serves the establishment,
exercise or defence of legal claims.

Right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority if you consider the processing of personal data
relating to you to be in infringement of the law. The competent supervisory authority is
The State Commissioner for Data Protection in Lower Saxony, Prinzenstr. 5, 30159 Hannover
Please contact the Press Office (pressestelle@hawk.de), the person responsible or the HAWK data protection officer first. In most cases, questions can be clarified and complaints resolved.