The project HAWK open supports refugees in questions concerning the start or continuation of their studies, the crediting of academic achievements, financing and integration into the university.

Any questions? "Open Hour" by student advisers

Our student assistants from HAWK open are happy to help you with any query you might have regarding life as a student!
Currently, this service is available in Hildesheim, Holzminden, Göttingen as well as online (via Zoom). You are welcome to contact our student advisers in the following languages: Deutsch, English, українська, русский, عربي.

Please visit the Open Hour's webpage for contact details.

Further services

We offer open consultation hours, individual counselling and orientation events, as well as language courses, guest lectures or studies. The aim is early participation in university education and entry into regular studies at the HAWK or at another university in Lower Saxony.

For further information, please, send us an email to or contact one of our staff members. See below for their contact details.

Here you can find the German language courses of the Language Centre.

Counselling in Hildesheim

Counselling in Holzminden

Profilbild Karen Büttner
Student advisor Holzminden students incomer/outgoer, PROMOS, HAWK open project office Holzminden, intercultural trainings
  • +49/5531/126-162
  • Haarmannplatz 3
    (Room HOA_S24)
    37603 Holzminden

Counselling in Göttingen

Anke Anwand
Student Advisory Service / International Office / Studienstart plus / Advisory Service for each in Göttingen
  • +49/551/3705-257
  • Alva-Myrdal-Weg 2
    (Room GÖJ_226)
    37085 Göttingen