The application period for the scholarship "Deutschlandstipendium" ended. The next period starts in the summer semester 2023.

Frequently asked questions about the Deutschlandstipendium (FAQs)

Corona has no negative influence on the application of the Deutschlandstipendium. For the application it is important that you are within the standard period of study. Due to the Corona pandemic, the standard period of study has been extended by 4 semesters. If you have questions about your standard period of study, you can always send us an email.

The target group of the Deutschlandstipendium is all students of HAWK, regardless of origin, age, number of university semesters and income. Applicants must be within the standard period of study of their study program at the beginning of the winter semester.

For the selection, special consideration will be given to students who:

  • Are engaged in volunteer work within or outside of the university (or the volunteer work was completed no more than one year ago).
  • Are performing well in their course of study.
  • Are in a special personal or family situation.
  • Can show previous work experience, internships, special achievements or awards.

The application for the scholarship program is ONLY possible in spring. The awarding takes place in the following winter semester. The application is exclusively online.

Please note the following steps when applying:

  1. On the online application portal you will find the application agreement, the declaration of participation as well as the data protection notice of the HAWK for the Deutschlandstipendium, each as a PDF, for reading.
  2. The application agreement provides detailed instructions on how to apply with numerous tips.
  3. Please read all documents carefully.
  4. By clicking on the corresponding checkbox, you confirm that you have read the respective document and that you agree with its contents. You will also find the declaration of consent in the online application portal as a PDF file. Here, both mandatory fields and option fields are provided for you.
  5. Please also read through the PDF before continuing to process the application form and select the relevant information by clicking on it. Please note the instructions for filling in the individual input fields.
  6. Complete the application in full and upload all required documents as a PDF at the end.
  7. Please pay attention to the correct file naming.
  8. Finally, check all your entries and click on Submit. Your application will only be sent if all mandatory fields have been filled in or confirmed.
  9. You will receive a confirmation of receipt by e-mail.
  10. Each applicant should note the dates for the mandatory full-day preparatory workshop in case of selection. Whether the workshop will be held online or in person will be announced in due course. Students on semester/internship abroad are exempt from the mandatory workshops if they take place in presence.
  11. The tutorial on our website also offers helpful tips on how to apply.

Note for registration for first-time applicants When registering for the first time, applicants actively select gender.

Here they have the option to choose between 4 different characteristics. This selection affects your salutation in the system as well as all letters and certificates and flows into the statistics message from the DSTIP-BMBF scholarship server:

  1. Mr → salutation "Dear Sir".
  2. Ms. → salutation "Dear Ms."
  3. various → salutation "Hello"
  4. no information → salutation "Hello"

Please note: The specification 'without specification' is to be selected if the gender entry in the birth register is blank in accordance with §22 Para. 3 Personal Status Act.

For the online application, the following documents must be uploaded in addition to your data:

Mandatory documents:

  • Signed declaration of participation
  • Letter of motivation (Please use our template for this!), You can write the letter of motivation in English.
  • Tabular curriculum vitae
  • Valid certificate of enrollment (applicants must submit this immediately by e-mail after enrollment)
  • Proof of academic achievements (self-generated printout from LSF is sufficient): If you do not have proof of your academic achievements, upload a blank PDF page at this point, use the comment field in the online form and briefly explain the reasons for this.

Documents if applicable:

  • Copy of the degree certificate from the previously attended university or previous study program (if applicable), for foreign degrees, the grade converted into the German system must also be uploaded (if applicable).
  • If applicable, proof of special qualifications or special social and community involvement (current and/or max. the 3 most important)
  • If applicable, relevant copies of internship and work references as well as evidence of special awards and prizes, other knowledge and further commitment or special circumstances as defined in § 2 para. 2f StipV.

ONLY complete applications will be considered for selection!

The decision on the award of a scholarship for the winter semester is made by a five-member independent selection committee from the fields of research, industry and social affairs. The full-time Equal Opportunity Officer is present as an advisory member.

Important criteria for the awarding of the Deutschlandstipendium are:

  • good performance in the course of studies
  • extracurricular or extracurricular commitment
  • special personal or family circumstances

Extracurricular involvement may include the following activities:

  • volunteer work,
  • social, university political or political commitment,
  • or involvement in associations, clubs or religious societies,
  • or Neighborhood assistance.

Special personal or family circumstances these may include:

  • Illnesses and disabilities,
  • mental and/or chronic illness
  • taking care of one's own children (especially as a single parent) or close relatives in need of care
  • working in the family business
  • gainful employment during studies,
  • family background or a migration background.

Other selection criteria that may be taken into account include special achievements, awards and prizes, previous professional activity and internships.

The Deutschlandstipendium is paid regardless of income. It is possible to receive BAföG and the Deutschlandstipendium at the same time.

Receiving two scholarships at the same time is usually excluded, but there are exceptions.

Questions in this regard can be clarified in advance of applying for a Deutschlandstipendium. Send us an email.

Of course, HAWK scholarship holders also have the option of applying elsewhere for a scholarship that does not fall under the exceptions and, if they receive one, to end the Deutschlandstipendium early. In this way, any funds that become available can be awarded to those who have moved up. Information about applications for other scholarships (if applicable) is expressly requested.

All applicants will be notified of acceptance or rejection by e-mail, probably at the end of September.

Upon confirmation of acceptance on the part of the applicant, the scholarship holder is obligated to participate in the preparatory workshop.

The scholarship holder will receive a notification of approval. This will state the period of the Deutschlandstipendium (usually two semesters), the amount of the grant and the duration of the grant. The notice of approval also contains the name of the sponsor. The notification of approval also defines the evidence that the scholarship holder must provide by a specified date.

The following proofs may be required:

  • Certificates of achievements in the course of studies (especially exams, internships, stays abroad, excursions), which provide information about the quality of the achievement;
  • Certificate of enrollment

We and the sponsors are very interested in both sides getting to know each other and using the sponsorship period for networking and exchange. Because that is what is special about the fellowship. For this purpose, scholarship holders and sponsors are clearly assigned to each other. Scholarship holders have different experiences with the funding, because the sponsors have very different motives for participating in the Deutschlandstipendium.

Companies often sponsor with the motive of attracting young talent and investing in talented students.

Foundations, associations or private individuals often sponsor with the motive of making it easier for young people to overcome hurdles and to better combine studies, family and voluntary work.

Thus, various connections also develop through the sponsorship: connections with professional prospects or personal prospects.

Provided that both agree to the passing on of their contact data, by the HAWK, they receive the respective data. A first opportunity to get to know each other as well as to exchange with the sponsors and with other scholarship holders and members of HAWK is offered by the ceremonial handover of the scholarships.

During the scholarship year, workshops and events provide many more opportunities to get to know each other and exchange ideas. The contact between sponsors and scholarship recipients often results in idealistic support. Many sponsors offer internships, invite students to events, or are available to "their" scholarship recipients as experienced contacts for all aspects of the profession.

In order to be eligible for the Deutschlandstipendium, it is important that applicants are within the standard period of study for their degree program at the time of funding. We are aware that the standard period of study may not be met by some students due to the current situation. If this is the case for you, please contact us to clarify whether you can still participate in the selection process.

In case of a leave of absence due to a semester abroad or for a mandatory internship, the scholarship will continue to be paid. In this case, there will be no extension of the grant period. In the case of a leave of absence for personal reasons, payment will be paused during the leave of absence and started or continued after the leave of absence ends.

During the year of recognition, students can only be funded if they continue to be enrolled students at HAWK. Guest attendance does not count towards this.